Spanish speakers say Hola! to HelloForos and adios to Univision Foros

Chuck Walter
2 min readSep 1, 2015


On August 31, 2015, Univision closed the doors to its forums. For over 16 years, Spanish-speakers from around the globe connected on the Univision Foros to share their stories, make new friends and have a fun time in a virtual setting. Before Facebook and Twitter, the Foros de Univision were the primary place for Spanish-speaking fans to connect.

After having created the initial forums as webmaster for Galavisión and looking after the platform for many years when I worked at Univision Online / Interactive, I could not let this amazing community disappear.

HelloForos, a new community to showcase the voice of half a billion Spanish-speakers worldwide

HelloForos appeared as a perfect name and along with business partners Bruno Lopez and Liliana Sanchez-Andres, we responded quickly to setup a new world to embrace this passionate audience. While there is no guarantee that the ‘foristas’ will accept their new home, we wanted to provide a friendly place that would welcome users in.

HelloForos has been live for 2 weeks and we can already see the emotion that users share in their messages. HelloForos provides a digital community that fosters creativity, fun, and the sharing of information and points of view. I hope you follow us on this journey as we look to create a place that showcases the voice of half a billion Spanish-speakers worldwide.

Any advice you’d like to share as we get ready to grow our new venture?



Chuck Walter

Founder at Friend App. #MiamiTech since 2011. Product nerd. Thrilled to see Miami transform & look to get more residents involved in our communities